Adams, Asia |
Pre-K Aide | | | |
Arceneaux, Michelle |
ASP Asst. Director | | (337)837-6363 | |
Attales, Mary |
Instructor - First Grade | | 337-837-6363 | |
Aymond, Courtney |
Library Assistant | | 337-837-6363 | |
Badeaux, Brandi |
Admissions Director/Safe Environment Coordinator | | 337-837-6363 | |
Barousse, Jill |
ASP Director | | 337-837-6363 | |
Bellefleur, Staci |
Instructor - First Grade | | 337-837-6363 | |
Benoit, Michael |
Instructor - Music | | | |
Bertrand, Heather |
Instructor - Kindergarten | | 337-837-6363 | |
Boudreaux, Lacia |
Instructor - Jr. High Math, Algebra I | | 337-837-6363 | |
Boudreaux, Scott |
Athletic Director | | 337-837-6363 | |
Breaux, Meghan |
Instructor - Jr. High ELA | | | |
Breaux, Raven |
Instructor - PreK-4 | | 337-837-6363 | |
Brou, Joyce |
Substitute Coordinator | | | |
Broussard, Anne |
Kindergarten Aide | | | |
Brungart, Terri |
Instructor - Second Grade | | 337-837-6363 | |
Capritto, Dina |
Instructor - P.E. | | 337-837-6363 | |
Carluen, Claire |
Technology Director | | 337-837-6363 | |
Cassidy, Kristen |
Instructor - Kindergarten | | 337-837-6363 | |
Chiarulli, Tiffany |
Community Relations Coordinator | | 337-837-1864 | |
Cobb, Rachel |
Graphic Designer / Communications Coordinator | | | |
Crochet, Jenna |
Instructor - Fifth Grade | | | |
Dean, Tommy |
Facilities Manager | | | |
Delcambre, Fr. Michael |
Pastor | | 337-837-1864 | |
Dugas, Ann |
| | | |
Etie, Alyse |
Instructor - Fifth Grade | | | |
Faber, David |
Tech Support Specialist | | | |
Fontenot, Katie |
Elementary Ministry Coordinator | | | |
Gabriel, Megan |
Kindergarten Aide | | | |
Gary, Dawn |
Ministry Assistant | | 337-837-6363 | |
Gilberti, Brandy |
Instructor - Third Grade | | 337-837-6363 | |
Girouard, Allison |
Instructor - PreK-4 | | 337-837-6363 | |
Granger, Marsha |
Director of Finance | | 337-837-1864 | |
Hebert, Andrea |
Instructor - Jr. High ELA | | 337-837-6363 | |
Hebert, Denise |
Instructional Strategist | | 337-837-6363 | |
Henry, Erin |
Principal | | 337-837-6363 | |
Hidalgo, Katie |
Assistant Principal | | 337-837-6363 | |
Juneau, Angelique |
Instructor - Art | | | |
Landry, Jennifer |
Instructor - Jr. High Social Studies | | | |
LeBouef, Sandra |
Teacher | | | |
Leger, Holly |
Counselor | | 337-837-6363 | |
Matt, Sean |
1st Grade Aide | | 337-837-6363 | |
McAnally, Madeleine |
Instructor - Jr. High Religion | | | |
McNair, Daniel |
Instructor - Jr. High Science | | | |
Patin, Christen |
Instructor - Spanish/ASP | | | |
Pollitt, Heather |
Instructor - Second Grade | | | |
Prejean, Heather |
Connections Coordinator | | | |
Prince, Sheree |
Advancement Director | | 337-837-6363 | |
Reaux, Brenda |
Pre-K Aide | | 337-837-6363 | |
Renard, Sonia |
Librarian | | 337-837-6363 | |
Robichaux, Linda |
Instructor - Fourth Grade | | 337-837-6363 | |
Savoie, Cristy |
Director of Discipleship | | | |
Serio, Glenda |
Instructor - CGS | | 337-837-6363 | |
Serio, Taylor |
Instructor - Fourth Grade | | 337-837-6363 | |
Sonnier, Ashley |
Alumni Relations Coordinator | | | |
Terracina, Monique |
Director of Student Services | | 337-837-6363 | |
Trahan, Dorothy |
After School Care/Cafeteria Manager | | 337-837-6363 | |
Umbricht, Laura |
Administrative Assistant | | 337-837-6363 | |
Williamson, Katie |
Instructor - Third Grade | | | |