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St. Cecilia School is a Christian school that shares the Catholic Church's teaching mission. The student is the focus of the entire mission of the school. The school's chief concern is the religious, academic, and personal development of its students. Christian adult leaders are a vital part of our Christian community. For the good of this community, St. Cecilia has reasonable rules that are designed to promote the well-being of everyone who is part of St. Cecilia Elementary, encouraging maturity by asking that each individual be courteous, kind, and respectful of others.


St. Cecilia School is accredited by Cognia, a global network of educators dedicated to strengthening schools. Accreditation requires both internal and independent studies evidencing a holistic approach to continuous improvement.


The faculty at St. Cecilia School is dedicated to meeting each student's individual needs in spiritual, physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and psychological development. Our educational philosophy emphasizes the growth of the whole child, supported by Christian values. We believe in providing an education that equips children with the values, skills, and knowledge necessary for their growth. We encourage students to express their unique talents, interests, creativity, and spirituality. Additionally, we foster an understanding of rights, privileges, and responsibilities towards the country, fellow citizens, family, community, church, and themselves.